Saturday, July 16, 2016

Special Education Pedagogy Universidad Fernando Noveno Cultural Digital Agenda @ FIX University Campus UPI

Fernando IX University

Exc 090: Practicum Remediation: SPED 

Exc 205: Introduction to Exceptional Learners 

Introduction to the historical, litigation, and legal foundations related to the field of special education with the inclusion of current trends and a survey of the following exceptionalities: attention hyperactive deficit disorders, autism spectrum disorders, communication disorders, emotional disabilities, giftedness, intellectual and developmental disabilities, health/physical impairments, hearing impairments, multiple and severe disabilities. Developing a biblical worldview about accommodating students with exceptional learning needs is emphasized.

Exc 311: Characteristics: Emotional Disabilities 

Introduction to emotional disabilities that focuses on the definition based on historical and conceptual frameworks, litigation, relevant laws, and current issues and trends. Specific emphasis includes identification, classification, casual factors, theoretical perspectives for cause and intervention, assessment, etiology, prevalence, treatment, manifestations, and transition planning through the use of case studies. A biblical worldview about the causes of emotional disabilities, the various manifestations of emotional disabilities and behavior strategy interventions is discussed. Open to Education majors only.
Prerequisite: Exc 205.

Exc 312: Characteristics: Learning Disabilities 

Introduction to learning disabilities that focuses on a definition based on historical developments of the field, litigation, relevant laws, and current issues and trends. Specific emphasis includes definition, identification, classification, theoretical perspectives for learning, assessment, etiology, prevalence, and transition planning. Additional topics include instructional and assistive technology; evidence-based instructional strategies; methods related to reading, writing, and math; accommodations; working with young people; and the social, emotional, and intellectual issues related to students with learning disabilities. Open to Education majors only.
Prerequisite: Exc 205.

Exc 313: Characteristics: Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities 

Introduction to intellectual and developmental disabilities (formerly mental retardation) that focuses on a definition based on historical developments of the field, litigation, laws, and current issues and trends. Specific emphasis includes identification, classification, assessment, etiology, prevalence, treatment and transition educational programming needs of intellectually challenged individuals. Application to the public and Christian School programs are discussed. Technology integration is expected in lesson planning. Open to Education majors only.
Prerequisite: Exc 205.

Exc 322: Materials & Methods: Mild Disabilities 

Emphasis on the development of skills in the diagnosis and remediation of academic deficits in mildly disabled learners. Focused emphasis is on the essential elements of effective teaching, basic scope and sequence of academic skills, instructional modifications and accommodations, evidence-based teaching methods and interventions for students with exceptional learning needs at the elementary and secondary levels. Specific topics include the use of assistive and instructional technologies for teaching students with disabilities. Open to Special Education and Communication Disorder majors only.
Prerequisite: Exc 205.

Exc 323: Educational Procedures: Mild Disabilities 

Emphasizes the development and implementation of the individualized education program and various special education service delivery models including, resource, and self-contained settings incorporating inclusion, and mainstreaming. Additional topics include students using technology to discuss the Bob Jones University School of Education Conceptual Framework, formal and informal assessment, evaluation of student progress, teaching study skills, adapting general education curricula, introduction to collaborative consultation, parent conferencing, classroom floor plan organization, transition planning and other related topics.
Prerequisite: Exc 205.

Exc 332: SPED Practicum: Beginning 

Teacher candidates participate in supervised, structured experiences in a school setting with emotional disabilities, learning disabled, or intellectual and developmental disabilities learners. School placements vary based on program setting (i.e., inclusion, resource, self-contained) and grade level (i.e., K-5, 6-8, or 9-12). Candidates complete beginning level activities that support state standards for preparation of special educators, to include gaining knowledge and understanding about observations techniques, instructional planning, use of evidence-based instructional methods and strategies, formal/informal assessment, collaboration with teachers/parents, behavior management intervention strategies, and individualized instructional programs.
Prerequisite: Exc 205.

Exc 333: SPED Practicum: Intermediate 

Teacher candidates participate in supervised, structured experiences in a school setting with emotional disabilities, learning disabled, or intellectual and developmental disabilities learners. School placements vary based on program setting (i.e., inclusion, resource, self-contained) and grade level (i.e., K-5, 6-8, or 9-12). Candidates complete intermediate level activities that support state standard for preparation of special educators, including observations, instructional planning, use of evidence-based instructional methods and strategies, formal/informal assessment, collaboration with teachers/parents, character building, behavior management intervention strategies, and individualized instructional programs.
Prerequisites: Exc 332, Teacher Candidacy Passed.

Exc 334: SPED Practicum: Advanced 

Teacher candidates participate in supervised, structured experiences in a school setting with emotionally disabilities, learning disabled, or intellectual and developmental disabilities learners. School placements vary based on program setting (i.e., inclusion, resource, self-contained) and grade level (i.e., K-5, 6-8, or 9-12). Teacher candidates complete advanced level activities that support state standards for preparation of special educators, including observations, instructional planning, use of evidence-based instructional methods and strategies, formal/informal assessment, collaboration with teachers/parents, character building, behavior management intervention strategies, and individualized instructional programs.
Prerequisites: Exc 333, Teacher Candidacy Passed.

Exc 359: Assessment in Special Education 

Introduction to the definition, historical factors, litigation, and legislation related to assessment in special education. Both formal and informal assessment of students with disabilities for placement and instructional purposes is discussed. Additional topics include assistive technology, assessment accommodations, ethical practices, response to intervention, pre- referral intervention, dynamic and authentic assessment strategies, task analysis, miscue analysis, and various assessments for academic, emotional, and transition areas. This is a performance-based course that requires candidates to participate in a case study that goes through the pre-referral process and leads to the development of an Individualized Education Program. Open to Special Education majors only.
Prerequisite: Exc 205.

Exc 408: Prescriptive Reading Practicum

The student will be able to diagnose causes of reading difficulties and prescribe appropriate methods and procedures for addressing them in Pre-K-8 settings. Students will have opportunities to work with individuals in small groups in practical applications at grade levels appropriate for their major.

Exc 410: Family, Community & School Collaboration 

A practical development of the theoretical discussions from earlier EXC courses on effectively collaborating and consulting in culturally responsive ways, with families, other educators, school personnel, related service providers, and community service providers and agencies to develop the team approach in the education of students with exceptional learning needs of students. Special topics include the relationship of poverty to the education of student with exceptional learning needs, cultural self-evaluation, communication self-evaluation, role play and guest discussions from parents of students with exceptional learning needs. Open to Special Education majors only.

Exc 451: Teaching Math: Mild Disabilities 

A biblical worldview of evidence-based teaching techniques, methods, and materials for identifying and remediating math skill deficits in students with mild-moderate disabilities. Lectures focus on the neuropsychological basis of math disorders, diagnostic math assessment, remediation of math readiness and other math skill deficits, and how to modify and adapt standard math curricula. Also included is demonstration and supervised practice and administration of the various diagnostic and screening norm-referenced tests.
Prerequisite: Exc 205.

Exc 453: Behavior Management 

An overview of basic behavioral principles and major theoretical models in the treatment of student behavior. The biblical worldview of behavior management is presented in the context of discussion of behavioral interventions including, preventative, short-term, and long-term behavior enhancement and reduction techniques. Teachers gain a thorough understanding of how to observe and record student behavior and how to develop and implement systematic positive reinforcement systems. Additional topics include affective methods (including life space interviewing and reality therapy) and behavior methods, such as functional behavior assessment. Open to Special Education majors only.
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RecStay Cultural Campus
Cali (v) Colombia, South America

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