cpj.org In government-media fight, Argentine journalism suffers 400 × 267 - 46 k - jpg |  brendanmcginley.com Invisible Inc Yellow JournalismWidowed Lines 63 ShadowGovernment 775 × 632 - 92 k - jpg |  newsroom.unl.edu UNL journalism college launches state government news service | News ... 2358 × 1893 - 2628 k - jpg |  thebureauinvestigates.com In the most detailed analysis ofgovernment salaries ever undertaken, ... 499 × 299 - 19 k - jpg |
 malawi.gov.mw Blantyre, November 18:Government said on Friday it was committed to ... 900 × 598 - 303 k - jpg |  niemanlab.org ... those who'd like to see governments more involved in funding journalism. 600 × 436 - 65 k - jpg |  fcgonline.org The Investigative JournalismProject 1000 × 250 - 113 k - jpg |  niemanlab.org For those who think governmentsupport of journalism is just something they ... 200 × 300 - 34 k - jpg |
 thebureauinvestigates.com The British government has spent over £2bn on drones since 2007, ... 630 × 400 - 48 k - jpg |  centennial.journalism.... Later to become dean of theJournalism School, Joan Konner produced a Bill ... 530 × 400 - 181 k - jpg |  jacdigital.com.au Data journalism isn't new, but ease of access to business andgovernment ... 590 × 400 - 88 k - jpg |  centennial.journalism.... Konner (later to become dean of the Journalism School) produced a Bill ... 279 × 279 - 77 k - jpg |
 mardahl.dk Filed under , Benford's Law, datajournalism, DONA, government,government ... 1200 × 1600 - 319 k - jpg |  openeconomy.net You can see the original post in Spanish: "Data driven journalismen España ... 320 × 249 - 38 k - png |  article.wn.com Open data journalism at the International Open GovernmentData Conference 480 × 360 - 15 k - jpg |  reasondigital.com Data journalism is growing in popularity and the internet provides a wealth ... 460 × 512 - 11 k - gif |
 ap.org 'Good sources are no substitute for open government'. June 13, 2012 1226 × 1764 - 1004 k - jpg |  niemanlab.org ... are talking about increasinggovernment support forjournalism, ... 200 × 299 - 19 k - jpg |  article.wn.com David Carr: Government Funding Of Journalism is Not the Answer 480 × 360 - 9 k - jpg |  gonzaga.edu ... business, government, law and graduate schools. Thejournalism major ... 450 × 220 - 29 k - jpg |